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And you don‘t want to go around having grudges against people.And, I mean, all these things that cause you to think negatively, whether it’sabout the world or about individuals or about your own bad luck or anything ofthe sort. Just forget it, basically. I think-- I think that helps.


你不可能在一两年内改变交通方式。是的,交通方式正在改变,也应该改变,但是就替换它的数学问题来说——如果我们说我们要丢弃我们所有的汽车,经济就会停摆。因此我们不能(停止)生产它们(传统燃油汽车),我们也做不到替换它。ANDY SERWER:What do you think of Elon Musk, though? Haveyou met him? And would you invest in Tesla?

So there‘s ripple effects.And there always will be in recessions. That’s the nature of recessions, is youget ripple effects. We get ripple effects on the railroad. but there‘s just--there’s less intermodal traffic moving now because of the supply chaininterruptions and all that sort of thing. But that‘s-- you look at, again, in1942 when I bought my stock. The Philippines were about to fall.
