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安迪·塞尔沃:你是如何把这些负面情绪从脑子里清除出去的?WARREN BUFFETT:I don‘t know whether you’re born to someextent that way. But you certainly see the works, and the-- you know, I mean,you just take the people you know. And the ones are sour at the world, theworld gets sour on, you know, basically. [LAUGHS] And so it‘s-- now it’s goingto be tough, you know, in certain situations. And if you‘ve got some majorillness or something, I’m sorry. I mean, that‘s just-- you can have terribleluck at life, and that’s-- it‘s-- and it can seem very unfair to you.But you’regoing to have-- you‘re going to have a better experience in life if-- ifbasically you-- you see the positive side of things.

安迪·塞尔沃:因为利率和能源部门的风险敞口。对吧?WARREN BUFFETT:Yeah. And you don‘t know what other exposurethere is.The credit standards have been pretty darn good. And the quality ofwhat’s on the books has been terrific, and the liquidity, and all of that. Thebanks are in a whole different situation than they were during the-- 10 or 11years ago. But there was-- you don‘t know the dominos that topple when airlinesget bad. And then that affects energy demand, because they’re just-- they‘reusing less fuel than they were three weeks ago.



沃伦·巴菲特:它们是那种我经常会思考的生意。查理(也)想了很多,你会忍不住要这么做。我是说,它的商业模式非常不可思议。ANDY SERWER:Right. I mean, so the door is not closed,necessarily.
