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安迪·塞尔沃:另一个观众提的问题,你那么成功,是什么让你和查理走下去的?WARREN BUFFETT:We have so much fun. I just talked to himthe other day for an hour. And we have fun every time we talk. And we arehaving-- we are doing what we love to do with people we love every day. And,you know, I‘ve been lucky on health. God knows, you know, how Charlie at 96 ofme at 89 with our habits and everything, it’s-- I don‘t know what it’s a testamentto. I think, actually, being happy in what you‘re doing makes a huge difference.

安迪·塞尔沃:这该如何理解?WARREN BUFFETT:Well, it just means that Berkshire doesn‘tneed me. And-- and we’ve got somebody that‘s extremely better than I am inmany, many, many respects to succeed me. And that’s-- and-- and you want thatcompany, and I want it. I mean, you know, whatever the number may be-- but it‘smany billions that will go for vaccines or whatever it may be, education, fordecades to come. That depends on that.

本文来自手机中国最近,关于LG的消息少之又少,最值得关注的无疑就是LG控股公司准备出售LG双子座大厦。很多人戏称,在北京别做手机了,炒房产,投资4亿美元,转手能卖人民币87.7亿元。当然,这只是玩笑话,LG在手机领域的成绩还是有目共睹的。近日,据外媒曝光了LG新手机Harmony 3,其依然主打性价比的路线,与上一代相比相比,LG Harmony 3有分辨率更高的屏幕和更窄的顶部和底部边框。从目前曝光图来看,前置摄像头有一个LED闪光灯,右侧有一个按键,应该是电源键;而左侧则可以看到三个按键,音量调节键和一个Google(谷歌)智能助理键。

沃伦·巴菲特:这100亿美元是有认股权证的优先股。但不受市场影响。ANDY SERWER:OK.安迪·塞尔沃:是的。WARREN BUFFETT: It‘s a private deal. But we also have about 2% ofthe common stock. And that’s down significantly. And as I said when I didit,the biggest variable is the price of oil. And I don‘t know the price of oil.And every day it gets quoted. If you have an opinion on oil, you can buy orsell oil either one year out or two years out or three years out or something ofthe sort.


And-- but those companies needed money. I mean, when AndrewCarnegie was-- went in the steel business, he built one steel mill, you know,made money that, saved it. Then three or four years later, he built anotherone. And it was-- it was capital retention and-- and oil business, the sameway, whatever it was. And now the really incredible companies are the ones thataccount for just the top five would-- would be well over 10% of the marketvalue of the company-- country. They really don‘t-- they don’t take capitalthat-- they make it-- their suppliers may in some cases, and all that. But--but they are really-- overwhelmingly, they‘re capital light. And-- and that isreally different.
